TENDUA - Association for biodiversity conservation

Newsletter N°12 - November 2014


September-November 2014

: the Great Evolution Gallery of the Museum of Natural History of Paris celebrates its 20 years!
Opened in 1994 after being closed during almost 30 years, The Great Evolution Galleray offers visitors a dedicated programmation.

November-December 2014

: A guided tour of the Jardin des Plantes «INTRODUCTION TO ORNITHOLOGY»
Learn to identify wild birds of the Jardin des Plantes and to recognize their songs.
Meet at 9:30 in front of the entrance to the Wildlife Garden - Time 3 hours - No prior registration. Free.
November: Sunday: 2, 9, 23 and 30 & Wednesday: 5, 19 and 26.
December: Sunday 7th, Thursday 3rd and 31rst.
Contact : portas mnhn.fr 01 /

November 2014 : TENDUA is joining CAP LOUP

Founded in 2014, CAP Loup is a set of associations for the protection of nature gathered around a common goal: the protection of wolves in France. The aim is to ensure the presence of this species in France and allow the coexistence between wolves and human activities.


OCEAN INDIEN : a strange little Yellow dice or a juvenile Yellow boxfish

A juvenile Yellow boxfish (Osctracion cubicus)
At this stage, it does not measure more than 1.5 cm ... aside!

This juvenile of Yellow boxfish (also called cube trunkfish, cubical boxfish,Ostracion cubicus) resembles a Yellow die dotted with black spots. Its fins are translucent. Very shy and discreet as possible despite its color, care must be taken to see it due to its small size!

A juvenile female Yellow boxfish (Osctracion cubicus)
A juvenile female Yellow boxfish (Osctracion cubicus)

Growing up, the female is Yellow mustard with White spots surrounded by a Black circle and its fins are bright Yellow. The adult male has Blue spots surrounded by Black spots on a light Blue or Brown background with Blue fins speckled with Black spots. With age, his mouth is sometimes surrounded by Pink with a Pink protrusion located above that looks like a nose.
It can be found throughout the Indo-Pacific, from the Red Sea to South Africa, from Japan to Australia and Polynesia.

Thank you for your attention.

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