Our newsletters cover a variety of topics which the common denominator is the state of our planet.
If the news are not always good there are still beautiful emotions (in pictures) to share and preserve.
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Newsletter n°15 - November 2018
Is biodiversity a key issue ? Phytoplankton and whales’ poo ; spatial pollution: attention!
Actions supported by TENDUA in 2018: release into the wild of a gibbon by SVAA (India); Desert lions’ Conservation project (Namibia); CAP LOUP (France).
And also : The 2018 volunteering season with the cetaceans; The “shark business” on Reunion Island ; The dugong and the kitesurfers in Egypt. Unusual : the wombat’s cubic poo, and our Agenda
Read moreNewsletter n°14 - April 2016
Avril 2016 : the bill on Biodiversity at the French Senate ; Paris goes green ; the red mud in Cassis Creeks, near Marseille ; April, 25th : the World Penguin Day ; the killing of wolves in France ; the last Cap Loup collective actions, the killing of sharks in Reunion Island, release to the wild of a couple of gibbons in India ; the next generation of Namib desert lions is born ; New-Zealand fur seal.
Read moreNewsletter n°13 -August 2015
Oceans in danger; global warming ; study of killer whales; illegal trafficking of species; info on Cap Loup and on sharks; Eco-Phénix; news on the projects supported by TENDUA; pink notebook: the lions are endangered.
Read moreNewsletter N°12 - November 2014
Polarity reversal and disappearance of the magnetic shield of the Earth; a new island in Japan; a strange lake in Tunisia; disappearance of the Aral Sea; a fisheries study in July 2014 confirming the disparition of fish in the oceans ; a pseudo-organic label for palm oil; Let’s put our watch on time!; TENDUA is joining CAP LOUP ; a baby Yellow boxfish.
Read moreNewsletter n°11 - March 2014
Nitrates in our food ; eutrophication and lack of political courage ; the “jellyfish power” ; deforestation in Mozambique ; the last Asiatic cheetahs in Iran ; civil disobedience ; the International Day of Forests ; Animal Latitudes 2014 ... and a baby black-backed jackal !
Read moreNewsletter n°10
Shake gas and hydraulic fracking,
How quickly degrade naturally our waste?
Our oceans are sick,
Pitcairn Islands : the largets MPA,
Baja California : strange strendings,
FRANCE : IMPAC3, recreational fishing and a video of the female bear Hvala
...and the Olinguito baby!
Read moreNewsletter N°9
biosphere; destruction of soil; agriculture; sustainable model of nature; dugong; wolf hunting ; mining exploration reduced in Kyrgyzstan; failure of Areva in Australia; spotted hyena.
Read moreNewsletter N°8
Noise pollution and impact on cetaceans; patenting of seeds; Shark Alliance; traffic in endangered species; programmed disappearance of rhinos and elephants; a jabiru “dad”.
Read moreNewsletter N°7
The so-called renewable energies ; look over how we eat ; the death of an Amur leopard ; corals are threatened ; baby dugong ; in Norway, permafrost watches over the world’s seedbank ; the Anna Jérétic’s exhibition ; pink note : the hippo.
Read moreNewsletter n°6
Forests : publication by the UN of an evaluation report ; The Office National des Forêts is supposed to sell more wood ; the forest of Nouvelle Calédonie in danger.
Russia : the Vavilov Institute that keep more than 320 000 plant species and is threatened by promoters. GB : seals are victims of noise. China needs to bring fish back into the Yangtze. TENDUA and Shark Alliance: 2011 petition. Pink note : caracal and francolin.
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