For some years, when the austral winter begins in the Reunion island, everyone tries to observe the first humpback whales of the season. The first individuals arrive in June or July, then pregnant mothers appear with singles looking for partners. All have traveled between 5,000 and 7,000 km, from the feeding areas of Antarctica to the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean.
In these warm waters the humpback whales give birth to their calves and breed ... as scientists say. The whales sail around Reunion island, Madagascar, Mayotte before returning to the South to feed. They usually leave the warm waters between late September and mid-October.
How to recognize a humpback whale?

TENDUA’s volunteers accompany the sea excursions organized by the diving club the DODO PALME to encounter these graceful giants. The humpback whale (Megaptera novaenglea) is one of the most recognizable cetaceans thanks to three characteristics:
- Pectoral fins reaching 1/3 of the length of its body, i.e. about 5m for 15m. Females are slightly larger than males and can measure between 16 to 19 meters long (from 14 to 16m for a male) ;
- The head and lower jaw are covered with rounded protuberances called tubercles, which are hair follicles, characteristic of the species. These “knobs” come from the vibrissae of his ancestor called Pakicetus some 50 million years ago. Up to now, it seems that each knob includes a single hair. These follicles would be sensors indicating the quality of water such as temperature, salinity, deep.
- Finally, humpback whales are famous for their spectacular breaching that you are never tired of admiring.
Our ignorance remains high...
Do not forget all the questions still unanswered.
Because they live in an open environment, in a vast maritime domain, mostly underwater, humpback whales are difficult to observe and remain poorly understood. The researchers therefore emit more hypotheses than certainties. There are many questions, and every answer brings on new questions!
To date, for example, no one has been able to explain how whales learn to sing: by imitation? By cultural transmission of “musical notes”? How and why they are changing their songs?
Males sing only under two different circumstances: when they are alone, and when they accompany a lactating female. The songs are the same, but do they have the same goal?
Can all the males sing? Is it a privilege reserved for an elected member with a particular mission within the group? Is there a specific geographic areas to sing, as might suggest some observations? What triggers the start of a song? And its end? ...
Beyond the song, do the humpback whales use a “vocabulary” ? Is it common to all the humpback whales or is it “regional” ? A “sound library” emitted by the humpback whales of the Indian Ocean is under creation ...
Watching and swimming with humpback whales is an extraordinary opportunity.
They are exceptional ambassadors of the underwater world, then, please, let’s learn to respect their environment, our oceans, our seas, our rivers, our mountains, our countryside and cities by our daily actions! Thank you for them ... and for all of us!