TENDUA - Association for biodiversity conservation

Newsletter n°4


November 18-21, 2010: Festival of animal photography at Montier-en-Der

Like every year since 14 years, Montier-en-Der comes alive with the arrival of the greatest animal photographers in France and abroad.

29 Nov. – 10 December 2010: Cancun

The Conference on climate change that follows up the summit of Nagoya last October is going to take place in Cancun. Its goal was the adoption of a new strategic plan for 2010-2020.

14-17 January 2011: Scuba-Diving Salon in Paris

TENDUA will be present at the Salon of Scuba-diving in Paris at the AQUAREV stand, our partner. Come find us there: the themes for 2011 are close to TENDUA: Egypt and sharks.


We note the publication of the book by Emmanuelle Grundmann at Calmann-Lévy: « 2100: seuls au monde? L’homme sans la biodiversité » “2100: alone in the world? Man without biodiversity.”


Lion cubs from the Bilatchaka pride at Musiara in the Masaï Mara in Kenya
M. Dupuis

The youngest elephant from a herd of 23 elephants crossing the Lockout plain in the Masaï Mara in Kenya
M. Dupuis

The subjects we have covered in our newsletter are important ones; our motivation is to inform you, so that new thoughts can be born, a moment of consciousness takes place, a desire to do things differently. You can choose to think it is too late, but we can also believe our personal and daily actions can help change the course of things.
Beauty around us can bring us hope: a smile, a light, an affectionate gesture, and baby animals.

Thank you for your attention and don’t hesitate to let us share your comments with us. Also let us know of any reading that would kindle the next issue of our newsletter.

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